
Shenley Park is a rural Park and is managed with Nature as its priority. There are a range of habitats supporting a diverse range of wildlife.

Our Pond is home to several fish together with grass snakes. We support a wide range of birds, buzzards, red kites, kestrels and sparrow hawks are frequently seen.

In Spring we see a carpet of Cowslips in the Orchard, the wildlife meadow is cut annually to encourage growth of wild flowers and vetches.

In many areas of the Park we leave the grass to grow long in summer with paths cut in and around these areas. These areas are cut annually.

We create many habitats in our wooded areas and have a bug hotel in our Walled Garden.

Bees are kept in the Orchard to aid the pollination of the apple trees. There is a second group of hives near the Walled Garden where the bees enjoy the diverse range of flowers. Honey is available to buy at the Walled Garden produce stall.